Living The Kawaii Life

By: Valerie Gutierrez

Kawaii lifestyle or culture is popular. People are living this lifestyle everywhere. The term Kawaii means the quality of being cute, or items that are cute (in the context of Japanese culture). Kawaii is simply a cute, lovable and adorable lifestyle that people live out. There are even themes for one to choose from this lifestyle. There is decora, goth, lolita and more.

This lifestyle is shared on social media platforms everywhere, from PinterestYouTube and TikTok. Kawaii has a lot to do with fashion, the way people style their hair and makeup, room décor and behavior. It consists of a lot of pastel and pinkish colors. Anything that seems cute would be considered Kawaii. 

Kawaii fashion is one of the main things people love about this lifestyle. Some Kawaii clothing have little animations on them or an anime character. If someone is living this lifestyle they are often wearing a lot of cute dresses or skirts with a Kawaii styled shirt. This fashion can also tie in with cosplay depending on the way the person dresses. 

As for the make-up style of Kawaii, there are different looks but they are all cute. The make-up look that young women wear makes them look like an animated character. There are people who have different names for this style besides Kawaii. It is also known as soft or anime look. Most looks contain a lot of blush not just on the cheeks but on the nose. People wear false lashes, contacts, eyeliner and draw or paint a little heart on their face. 

Besides fashion and make-up, Kawaii also has cute hairstyles for women to live out. If one does not wish to do their own hair that is okay, they also have the option of wearing a wig. Kawaii hair accessories are worn on top of the cute hair look. There are cute headbands, ribbons, clips, beanies and scrunchies. Most of the hair accessories match the color themes for Kawaii. 

Living out the Kawaii lifestyle is more than the things previously stated. There is even a way for someone to act Kawaii. To act Kawaii one must change the way they talk, laugh and behave. This is up to the person who is looking to live the Kawaii way but it is highly recommended. An example of acting out Kawaii is to be: shy, polite, cute, adorable, watch anime and gain other traits. 

All that is missing from the Kawaii touch is ones room or home. Since Kawaii is all about cuteness, anime and pastel colors, people will just need to search for things that fit that description. Everything really depends on the personality of the person. Some people have Hello Kitty merchandise and a pink theme for the room while others have a Sailor Moon vibe. If one has gone with a specific theme of Kawaii they would just decorate their room based off that theme. For example for those who live out the goth Kawaii lifestyle their room consists of dark pastel colors. 

These are all the main components of living a Kawaii lifestyle. If anyone is interested in learning more or finds themselves wanting to change up their current lifestyle, there are plenty of videos, posts and websites that give tips on how to do so. Kawaii lifestyle is not for everybody but for those who enjoy it, it really is a way of living. It is apart of who that person is and people are discovering Kawaii everyday.