News Roundup 04/22/19

1. Plane crashes at a state prison in Norco

On Monday afternoon, a small plane crashed next to a prison yard in Norco. The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the scene and confirmed the crash was triggered a fire and firefighters responded. According to authorities, the only victim was a pilot who was in the Northrop N9M when it crashed. No inmate nor prison staff were injured. The federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board will be investigating

Source: KTLA

2. NBA Coach accused of sexual assault

In a press conference on Tuesday, Kelli Tennant, the Los Angeles sports reporter is accusing former Laker coach Luke Walton of sexual assault. Tennant described how Walton invited her up to his Santa Monica hotel room after she asked to meet and give him a copy of a book she wrote. She alleges that in 2014 Walton held her down in his hotel room. Walton, who is now head coach of the Sacramento Kings, has denied the allegations. The Lakers have noted that the allegations relate to a time when Walton was not working for the team and had no knowledge of the accusations. The Sacramento Kings have also declined comment.

Source: ABC7 LA

3. LA’s Plastic Straw Ban

On April 22, Los Angeles restaurants will begin to limit the availability of single-use of plastic straw. The effects are on businesses with more than 26 employees and will be put into place in October for all other restaurants and food and beverage vendors. In March, the City Counsel voted to prohibit L.A. restaurants from offering or providing disposable plastic straws to customers who are dining in or taking food to go unless patrons request them. California has passed similar rules governing straw at dine-in, however LA is imposing restrictions on fast-food chain.

Source: LA Times

4. Sri Lanka Bombings

On Easter Sunday, suicide bombing erupted in Sri Lanka killing nearly 300 people and injuring 500. Around 8:45 a.m. local time, the explosions unfolded when at least seven suicide bombers detonated devices inside three Christian churches packed with people celebrating Easter services as well as three hotels popular among Western tourists. The attacks left government security officials scrambling to explain why warnings of an imminent terrorist attack went unheeded. The bombings are now being blamed on the local group National Thowfeek Jamaath, or NTJ. Authorities said 24 suspects have been arrested so far in connection with the bombings, and Sri Lankan Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne and that all suspects are Sri Lankan nationals.

Source: ABC News

5. Policía Mexicana detain several Central American migrants

On Monday, Mexican police and immigration agents detained hundreds of Central American migrants in the largest single raid on a migrant caravan. Police targeted groups of a caravan who were making their way to the U.S. border. Mexico welcomed the first caravans last year, but the reception has gotten colder since tens of thousands of migrants overwhelmed U.S. border crossings, causing delays at the border and anger among Mexican residents. Last Friday, local media reported a series of detentions of migrants in nearby Mapastepec, where thousands were awaiting normalization of their migratory status.

Source: AP NEWS