The Firsts of Many for Ekta

New Delhi native, Ekta Samtami, had the opportunity to receive a one-on-one flight lesson with Lou DuBois. She shared that this would be a new experience and that she had never ridden a bike, nor been on a motorcycle before. In her words, she had never been allowed to. Overwhelming anticipation in sharing this moment with Ekta flooded. Prior to our departure, Ekta was focused and determined, only showing glimpses of excitement. By the end of our flight lesson her eyes were gleaming with joy. We were thankful for the opportunity to share this special moment with Ekta and started to think, when was the last time we had done something for the first time?  

All Work Done By:

Carmen Aquirre

Nadia Castro

Lila Cano

VideoThe Breeze Onlinevideo